Everett Wireless Own3d by Anonymous

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Free Phone Plan

Use Android devices to place free calls over wifi. Google Voice no longer works with android apps. As a consequence, android users can only place and receive calls with it as they would with a desktop computer, via the non-mobile version of the Google Mail web site. As a consequence, Groove IP's mobile app has switched to using RingTo as their voice over IP (VOIP) provider. For a more technical explanation, go here, or just install Groove IP to place and receive calls. Google Voice users can still receive voicemail translated into textual notifications.

Free wifi plan

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The Wigle free wireless hotspot map is much more complete, but including it here would slow down page loading significantly.

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If this map seems incomplete it's because it comes from customers who reported on a wifi experience, or companies who have gone through the trouble to make mapping services aware of their wifi. Put your business on maps like these by setting up a free wifi hotspot and letting various mapping services know about it. We can help!

Mobile Anonymous Browsing (MAB)

Mobile Tether block

An unintended consequence of wireless providers disabling tethering on Android phones has been educating the public about network blocking technologies such as what's going on in China, proxies, phone unlocking, rooting, and anonymous browsing. Everybody's doing it.

Tor. There are a plethora of apps on the Android Play store promising to get around USB tether block. RouterNet proxy works OK, and there is a free version that works without root, but it needs restarting after an hour or so. Tor is suspected of being compromised as well, but it is still useful for getting around tether block, if you don't mind being spied on. Here are some alternatives. Serval Mesh network also gets around tethering blocks and poor service.

Review the proxy settings of the chosen anonymity tool, once it has been installed on the Android device. The PC can connect to those ports. Install adb (It comes with the Android SDK. Some Linux, Mac users already have it in the repos, probably). Connect phone via USB cable and turn on USB debugging. Forward proxy port to the PC with adb forward, e.g. adb forward tcp:8118 tcp:8118 and then set up PC's browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) to use proxy localhost on that port.

Another app to try: Wifi Tether

Yes, we advocate unlocked, unencumbered, free, open-source software and hardware here. Do not accept locked substitutes, or worse, pay for them! If the wallet is bursting and must pay for something, pay someone for open source development, buy something from our sponsors in the ad banners, or give to a local charity.

Get free Internet

Want high speed wifi Internet everywhere you go? Help us reach that goal by setting up a separate and secure guest wifi hotspot at your home or workplace. Not only is it good PR to have a free hotspot for your customers and neighbors, it can be handy to find information in emergencies or just plain the right thing to do.

Unfortunately, some ISPs and plans limit what you can do with your Internet connection. The open wireless movement is working to change this.

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